At Votorantim, the area of human and organizational development was integrated with the objective of prioritizing people and communication. During the year, the main initiatives for attracting, engaging, developing, and recognizing talent were maintained. One of them, the internship program, which was fully remote due to the pandemic, included 22 interns. As part of the program (which, this year, included four virtual meetings to engage and develop the participants’ managers), interns met with the CEO, João Schmidt, to share perceptions and lessons learned. The Votorantim Experience, a summer internship program, took place at the beginning of the year and was adapted and associated with Friends from Poli, an endowment fund that invests in development projects for students at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP). The initiative included 13 students who went through a six-week immersion experience; two of them were later incorporated into the regular internship program.
To help support college funds, the company established a partnership with the Sempre FEA Endowment, a fund created by alumni of the College of Economics and Administration of USP (FEA-USP, for its initials in Portuguese) through which resources are used to support community projects of students, teachers, employees, and entities representing these categories. The endowment drives education and encourages research, diversity, innovation, and professional training for the challenges of the future. In 2021, more than 50% of the students who enrolled at USP came from public schools and, specifically at FEA-USP, 37% were Black and Indigenous. Through initiatives to support the education of these students, this partnership will help to increase diversity within entry-level positions at Votorantim.
Votorantim carried out activities with 10 financial market leagues, including two virtual workshops and 10 other initiatives as part of the Ambassadors program, which aims to promote Votorantim’s employer brand among external audiences, especially universities. These included meetings, lectures, and workshops involving 31 ambassadors.
In the area of professional improvement, in addition to the resources offered by the Votorantim Development System (SDV, for its initials in Portuguese), such as coaching, counseling, and discussions, a specific assessment tool on emotional intelligence was added to the process given the issue’s increasing importance in the corporate world. This evolution process included all employees and resulted in the creation of individual development plans.
In addition, through Votorantim Academy, which is available to employees of the holding company and of all portfolio companies, the company hosted Vototalks, a dialogue platform for people who are leaders on topics that influence the business environment. One of them addressed sustainability challenges and opportunities for companies and had the participation of a key global opinion leader in ESG, Amelia Miazad. The other Vototalk was about learning to rethink and led participants to reflect on human behavior, organizational climate, and the pursuit of a purpose. It was facilitated by organizational psychologist, author, and professor Adam Grant, who is recognized as one of the 10 most influential management thinkers in the world. In addition, the company hosted webinars on topics such as diversity, health, and the environment, creating opportunities for questions, discussions, and the practical application of courses offered by the Votorantim Academy.
In the first semester, Votorantim concluded the Potenciar (Potentialize) program, which included 69 employees. This is a company initiative that aims to provide guidance on self-knowledge, the holding company, and society, aiming to facilitate the exchange of experiences and promote the personal and professional development of the participants.
Other important topics that were addressed this year were diversity and gender equality, with a focus on supporting institutions that work in these areas. Recognizing the importance of ensuring female participation in its staff, the holding company entered into a partnership with Fin4She to carry out collaborative activities. This year, the company also joined LIFT, an affirmative action initiative to promote racial equality by teaching English as a tool for social mobility. The program is open to Black people enrolled in college in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Salvador. It offers two years of English courses and mentoring sessions with leaders from partnering organizations, as well as workshops for personal and professional development.
Thanks to the higher number of people vaccinated against COVID-19, in the second half of the year the holding company offered its employees the option to return to in-person work in the office. The process was carried out safely and followed health protocols that included weekly testing, mask use, and daily temperature checks. Under the active coordination of a doctor, all 37 employees who contracted COVID-19 were monitored and made a full recovery.
This year, Votorantim held, once again,Semana+Vida (Health Week), which was rebranded to VSAúde (VSAHealth) in reference to the name of the holding company and the focus of the initiative. The event, which was held online, discussed issues related to nutrition, sleep, physical health, and mental health and included challenges with prizes to the participants. VSAúde also included a flu vaccination campaign, which was carried out in a drive-through format.
The benefits that had been added in 2020 because of the pandemic were maintained in 2021: psychological assistance, the option of exchanging restaurant vouchers for food vouchers, and loans of furniture and equipment to improve remote work conditions.
Benefits GRI 402-1
Votorantim’s positioning as an investment manager has been established through high-quality exposures that help maintain the holding company’s positive reputation and is aligned with the challenges of the business.
Votorantim also engages different stakeholders by promoting institutional initiatives and by successfully participating in the main social media platforms: at the end of 2021, the company had approximately 11,000 followers on Instagram and its 14 videos on YouTube had accumulated more than 26,000 views. LinkedIn continues to be the most important social media platform for Votorantim: the company has almost 400,000 followers. In December, engagement grew by 75%.
Internally, to align and cascade the leadership’s business guidelines to employees, the company held two Votorantim meetings virtually. And to bring internal and external stakeholders closer together, the holding company continued to host VotoCast—the seven podcasts released during the year had an average of 730 listeners. One of the highlights was an episode that discussed the topic of women in the financial market with the participation of Fin4She.